Scientists create complex transmembrane proteins from scratch

It is now possible to create complex, custom-designed transmembrane proteins from scratch, scientists report this week. The advance, led by molecular engineers at the University of Washington Institute for Protein Design, ...

Plants feel the heat

It's not just humans and animals that suffer when the mercury rises, plants feel the heat too. Heat stress is a major issue in agriculture and can significantly reduce crop yield. Even small increases in temperature can affect ...

Sticking sugar to protein

ETH researchers have succeeded in determining the 3-D structure of the enzyme that attaches sugar chains to proteins – a breakthrough that they recently published in the journal Science.

How plants 'muscle up' against bacteria in the cold

Michigan State University scientists have furthered our understanding on how a plant protein, called CAMTA, helps plants strengthen themselves as they anticipate long periods of cold, such as three to four months of winter ...

Quality control is vital for the energy production of cells

Mitochondria generate most of the energy cells need through a respiratory chain for which they must produce their own proteins. The research group of Associate Professor Henna Tyynismaa, University of Helsinki, Finland, has ...

Plant regulatory proteins 'tagged' with sugar

New work from Carnegie's Shouling Xu and Zhiyong Wang reveals that the process of synthesizing many important master proteins in plants involves extensive modification, or "tagging" by sugars after the protein is assembled. ...

Toxoplasma's balancing act explained

The parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a silent success. It infects up to 95% of people in many regions of the world, and most of them never know it, due to the parasite's artful manipulation of its host's immune response. Toxoplasma ...

Structure of 'Iron Hammer' protein complex solved

Translation of the genetic code in proteins is a central process in life and takes place in the ribosome, a giant molecule consisting of two subunits. This is where long chains of amino acids are formed like on an assembly ...

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