MHZ9 modulates ethylene signaling at translational level in rice

Ethylene is a versatile gaseous plant hormone that plays an important role in rice growth, development, and environmental adaptation. Translational control allows the mRNA to be translated in an mRNA-selective, signal-responsive, ...

New type of friction discovered in ligand-protein systems

An interdisciplinary research team of the Institutes of Physical Chemistry and Physics of the University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt-am-Main has discovered a new, direction-dependent ...

A new tool to block protein-protein interactions

Inside cells, proteins constantly interact with each other to carry out different functions. For some diseases in which these functions are altered, blocking the binding between two or more proteins emerges as a possible ...

The new heroics of RNA in cell differentiation

Scientists are increasingly learning of new reasons to appreciate RNA, and the glycolytic enzyme ENO1 seems to have provided yet another in new research from EMBL this week, as published in Molecular Cell.

RNA binding proteins help T cells pick their weapons before battle

Scientists at the Babraham Institute have shown that two RNA binding proteins hold the key to a stronger immune response to influenza in mice. Their findings, published today in Nature Communications, reveal that the absence ...

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