A titanate nanowire mask that can eliminate pathogens

Filter 'paper' made from titanium oxide nanowires is capable of trapping pathogens and destroying them with light. This discovery by an EPFL laboratory could be put to use in personal protective equipment, as well as in ventilation ...

Disposed PPE could be turned into biofuel, study shows

Plastic from used personal protective equipment (PPE) can, and should, be transformed into renewable liquid fuels—according to a new study, published in the peer-reviewed Taylor & Francis journal Biofuels.

Enhanced water repellent surfaces discovered in nature

Through the investigation of insect surfaces, Penn State researchers have detailed a previously unidentified nanostructure that can be used to engineer stronger, more resilient water repellent coatings.

Smiling in the masked world of COVID-19

With faces covered to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, some of the facial cues that people rely on to connect with others—such as a smile that shows support—are also obscured.

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