Use of PFAS in cosmetics 'widespread,' new study finds

Many cosmetics sold in the United States and Canada likely contain high levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a potentially toxic class of chemicals linked to a number of serious health conditions, according ...

Analyzing COVID-19's effect on the clothing industry

While COVID-19 hit the textile and apparel industry especially hard, businesses with a strong online presence, several manufacturing locations and an ability to quickly adjust their merchandise were better able to withstand ...

Study updates safer options for fall armyworm control in Africa

CABI scientists have updated the first major study of potential biological controls that could be used in the fight against the devastating fall armyworm in Africa. The research offers new insight into evidence of their efficacy ...

Perceptions of police using PPE during the pandemic

A Simon Fraser University study on public perceptions of police officers wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) during the current pandemic finds that most PPE renders positive perceptions of police, while some equipment, ...

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