How a small change will reduce distortion in measuring innovation

When your child is diabetic, a few minutes can make a big difference, and it pays to have real-time access to their blood sugar numbers. But what if no one sells a product that can do that? You build one, like the open-source ...

Study finds diversity boosts innovation in US companies

A recent study finds that taking steps to foster diversity makes a company more innovative, in terms of product innovations, patents created and citations on patents - meaning the relevant innovations are also used to develop ...

How to make web advertising more effective

Every day, users are bombarded with animated ads across the web, and companies fight to cut through the clutter. New research from the University at Buffalo School of Management has pinpointed one attribute online ads should ...

Is big data still big news?

People talk about 'data being the new oil', a natural resource that companies need to exploit and refine. But is this really true or are we in the realm of hype? Mohamed Zaki explains that, while many companies are already ...

To feed the world, first light its chicken coops

Sometimes a tiny innovation can crack the world's toughest problems. Take, for example, a small solar-powered LED light placed in a chicken coop in a developing country.

Apple seeking 'next big direction': co-founder

Apple is in a waiting period with the US gadget giant seeking the "next big direction" almost two years after the death of its groundbreaking boss Steve Jobs, the company's co-founder Steve Wozniak said Thursday.

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