Netflix lets US viewers share at Facebook

Netflix on Wednesday took the long awaited step of letting US users share with Facebook friends what they have been watching at the film and television show streaming service.

Model aims to help companies make products we actually want

(—Researchers have developed a model that will, hopefully, help companies develop innovative products that people actually want to use. The model is a first step towards capturing the behavior of both companies ...

Type of innovation dependent on choice of partner

(—When companies want to innovate, they may choose to collaborate with other companies. Thijs Habets of the University of Twente's IGS research institute looked into the collaboration between complementary companies ...

Samsung 'disappointed' at US judge's tablet decision

Samsung Electronics said Thursday it was "disappointed" at a US judge's refusal to lift a ban on US sales of its tablet computer as it fights a long-running global legal battle with arch-rival Apple.

Samsung: Apple trying to limit consumer choice

(AP)—Samsung on Saturday accused Apple of resorting to litigation in an effort to limit consumer choice after the iPhone maker said it was seeking to stop the sale of Galaxy S III smartphones in the United States.

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