Studying ways to maximize environmental benefits of green algae

There's a special class of green algae that has the potential to revolutionize sustainability efforts. These so-called diatoms are abundant in nature and their structures could be used for environmentally friendly, high-value ...

New 'CRISPR-Combo' method boosts genome editing power in plants

Ten years ago, a new technology called CRISPR-CAS9, made it possible for scientists to change the genetic code of living organisms. As revolutionary as it was, the tool had its limitations. Like the first cell phones that ...

Using yeast to create alternative petrochemical processes

As climate change continues to do more damage to our planet, scientists are working to find more efficient and cleaner ways to power the earth. One appealing alternative to common petrochemical processes that generate significant ...

Gut fungi: Unexpected source of novel chemicals

Anaerobic fungi, which die in the presence of oxygen, dwell in herbivore guts and help them digest their last leafy meal. In their evolutionary history, these fungi branched off early from aerobic fungi, which can breathe ...

Researchers create new form of cultivated meat

McMaster researchers have developed a new form of cultivated meat using a method that promises more natural flavor and texture than other alternatives to traditional meat from animals.

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