Two Romanians charged with hacking US capital police cameras

Two Romanian nationals have been arrested and charged with hacking into computer systems which controlled surveillance cameras for the Metropolitan Police Department in the US capital earlier this year, officials said Thursday.

Obama team launches inaugural mobile app

Organizers unveiled the first-ever smartphone app for a US presidential inauguration on Monday, allowing users to track Barack Obama's swearing in, sign up for events and check maps for the closest toilets.

National deficit outlook unchanged under Obama: UMD policy analysis

From a public policy point of view, the national debt accumulation since President Obama took office is largely a result of policies put in place prior to his inauguration, says a new analysis by University of Maryland expert ...

Keeping an eye on the Inauguration

One of the toughest technological challenges for law enforcement is to simultaneously monitor live feeds from the wireless cameras scattered across their jurisdictions. A nearly impossible task under any circumstances, it ...