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US to study alternate route for US-Canada pipeline

The US government said Thursday it would study an alternate route for a controversial US-Canada oil pipeline, and pushed back its final decision on the project until 2013 -- after next year's presidential elections.

Obama campaign takes to Tumblr

US President Barack Obama added popular microblogging platform Tumblr on Monday to the Internet arsenal for his 2012 re-election campaign.

Crowdsourcing democracy through social media

Today the citizens of Liberia will participate in just their second presidential election since the country emerged from a brutal civil war in 2003, and in such an environment the specter of violence or other unrest is never ...

Is smartphone technology the future of US elections?

With more and more Americans upgrading to smartphones, and as smartphone capabilities continue to improve, even the U.S. government is considering innovative ways to harness this advancing technology. Human factors/ergonomics ...

Exposure to U.S. flag moves voters to the right

( -- Expect even more flags at Republican campaign events. And if the Democrats were wise, they might well strip the stage of flags altogether, suggests a new Cornell study, the first to look at the political ...

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