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Foreclosures impact California voter turnout

California neighborhoods reeling from record foreclosures also experienced lower levels of voter turnout in the 2008 presidential election, according to researchers at the University of California, Riverside.

S. Korea, Peru announce defense technology deal

South Korea's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan agreed Thursday to grant technology transfers to Peru to help strengthen the Latin American nation's navy and air force.

Online tool can detect patterns in US election news coverage

The US presidential election dominates the global media every four years, with news articles, which are carefully analysed by commentators and campaign strategists, playing a major role in shaping voter opinion. Academics ...

Expat French get Internet vote for first time

French citizens will for the first time this year be able to vote in a parliamentary election over the Internet, an experiment that could be extended to other elections if successful.

Republicans and democrats less divided than commonly thought

Republicans and Democrats are less divided in their attitudes than popularly believed, according to new research. It is exactly those perceptions of polarization, however, that help drive political engagement, researchers ...

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