Extreme tornado outbreaks have become more common, says study

Most death and destruction inflicted by tornadoes in North America occurs during outbreaks—large-scale weather events that can last one to three days and span huge regions. The largest ever recorded happened in 2011. It ...

Study uncovers recipe for producing and managing star performers

While the contributions and value added by star performers can be extraordinary and even legendary, companies today often overlook the influence those top employees can have on others around them, according to new and previous ...

Letting cities develop naturally

A look at the world map tells us that countries and cities vary greatly in size, and that there are many more small cities than there are big ones. Interestingly, such uneven distribution of city sizes can be quite accurately ...

New study predicts variation in illness severity in a population

Many of us are familiar with bell-shaped curves that describe the distributions of school grades and total annual rainfall, among many other quantities. This ubiquitous distribution results when many points for individual ...

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