House panel subpoenas on wind power, eagle deaths

House Republicans are seeking to compel the Obama administration to turn over uncensored, internal documents related to its enforcement of environmental laws at wind farms where eagles and other protected birds have been ...

Creating accountable anonymity online

The World Wide Web is, in many ways, still the Wild West. Though a large portion of internet traffic is monitored and traceable, systems like the Tor Project allow users to post and share anything anonymously. Anonymous systems ...

How many lakes are there, and how big are they?

Because of the important role lakes play in regional and local biogeochemical cycling, including carbon storage and emissions, scientists need to know how many lakes of various sizes exist. However, determining the size distribution ...

Physicists make discovery about temperature in convection

An international team of physicists is working to ascertain more about the fundamental physical laws that are at work in a process known as convection, which occurs in a boiling pot of water as well as in the turbulent movement ...

Fewer exploding stars potential predictor of global warming

(—One of the universe's greatest unexplained mysteries – why stars explode – could be explained by a particle similar to the Higgs boson. The theory developed by University of Aberdeen astrophysicist, Dr Charles ...

Spurious switching points in traded stock dynamics

Physicists have rebuffed the existence of power laws governing the dynamics of traded stock volatility, volume and intertrade times at times of stock price extrema. They did this by demonstrating that what appeared as "switching ...

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