Chunky mobile devices? Soft graphene could help you downsize

Assuming you are geeky enough to open up any mobile device on the market – a phone, tablet or laptop – the most glaringly obvious component of the device is the battery: it generally consumes up to (if not more than) ...

Versatile polymer film synthesis method invented

( —Forming perfect porous polymer films is not enough; they need both large and small pores, and the process of making them needs to be simple, versatile and repeatable. Creatively combining already established ...

Zeolite synthesis made easy

Zeolites are porous materials with perfectly regular pores and high surface area that can act as molecular sieves. This property has led to important applications including the purification of air or water such as the contaminated ...

New synthethic protocol to form 3-D porous organic network

A team of Korean researchers affiliated with UNIST has recently announced the principle of producing porous organic materials in the blink of an eye, like firing bullets. This is similar to the mechanism of chemical reaction ...

Team develops innovative, ideal liquid-repellent surfaces

On liquid-repellent surfaces, liquid droplets bounce away instead of being stuck. These surfaces are important in many fields, such as water-repellent clothes and anti-fouling kitchenware. Used as drag-reduction coatings ...

Porous, layered material can serve as a graphene analog

An electrically conductive material, with layers resembling graphene (single sheet of graphite), was synthesized under mild conditions using a well-known molecule that allows good electronic coupling of nickel ions and organic ...

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