First 'porous liquid' invented

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have made a major breakthrough by making a porous liquid - with the potential for a massive range of new technologies including 'carbon capture'.

Researchers create rollerball-pen ink to draw circuits

( -- Two professors from the University of Illinois; one specializing in materials science, the other in electrical engineering, have combined their talents to take the idea of printing circuits onto non-standard ...

Porous liquid holds bigger molecules

An international team of chemists has developed a method for creating an ionic-liquid, porous, tetrahedral coordination cage that holds larger molecules than other porous liquids. In their paper published in the journal Nature ...

Science provides new way to peer into pores

Rice University scientists led a project to "see" and measure the space in porous materials, even if that space is too small or fragile for traditional microscopes.

'Self-cleaning' concrete could keep buildings looking new

Building materials that clean themselves could save immense time and labor in homes and businesses, as well as reduce disease risk in settings such as hospitals. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ...

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