Making hydrogenation greener

Researchers from McGill University, RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Wako, Japan) and the Institute for Molecular Science (Okazaki, Japan) have discovered a way to make the widely used chemical process ...

Tuning polymer interpenetration

Polymer nanocomposites are used in a wide range of applications, from automobile parts and tires to high-tech electronics and solar cells.

Improvement in polymers for aviation

We live surrounded by polymers and today, rather than come up with new polymers, there is a tendency to modify them in order to obtain new applications. Carbon nanotubes have excellent mechanical properties, are very tough, ...

Light guide plate based on perovskite nanocomposites

The fact that nanoparticle and polymer hybrid materials can often combine the advantages of each has been demonstrated in several fields. Embedding PNCs into polymer is an effective strategy to enhance the PNCs stability ...

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