Related topics: species · bees · flowering plants

Battle for the bees

Bees and other pollinators aren't just pretty creatures, they work for us.

European grassland butterflies in decline

More than half of Europe's main species of grassland butterflies are in sharp decline as a result of habitat loss, the European Environment Agency (EAA) warned on Tuesday.

Pistil leads pollen in life-and-death dance

Millions of times on a spring day there is a dramatic biomolecular tango where the flower, rather than adorning a dancer's teeth, is the performer. In this dance, the female pistil leads, the male pollen tubes follow, and ...

RoboBees get smart in pollen pursuit

( —When a scout honeybee returns to the hive, she performs a "waggle dance," looping and shaking her rear end in particular patterns to direct her comrades toward the jackpot of nectar and pollen she's found. Her ...

Pollination merely one production factor

( —No food for the human race without bees? It is not quite as straightforward as that. A case study by ecologists from ETH Zurich in a coffee-growing area in India reveals that pollinating insects are just one ...

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