Related topics: species · bees · flowering plants

Bees boost crops and could steady food prices

Supporting and enhancing pollinators could help stabilise the production of important crops like oilseeds and fruit, reducing the sort of uncertainty that causes food price spikes, new research has shown.

Encouraging signs for bee biodiversity

Declines in the biodiversity of pollinating insects and wild plants have slowed in recent years, according to a new study. Researchers led by the University of Leeds and the Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in the Netherlands ...

Do iridescent flowers have more pollinating power?

(AP) -- Scientists are showing off a little-known property of some common garden flowers: They're iridescent, meaning that light shimmers off them like the back of a CD.

Most effective pollinator of Hoya pottsii revealed

Hoya, with around 300 species, is the largest genus in Asclepiadoideae tribe Marsdenieae in the family Apocynaceae. Hoya species produce white flowers, strong nocturnal fragrance and abundant nectar. The pollination of two ...

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