Related topics: species · bees · flowering plants

Farm 'weeds' have crucial role in sustainable agriculture

Plants often regarded as common weeds such as thistles, buttercups and clover could be critical in safe guarding fragile food webs on UK farms according to Researchers funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research ...

Flower power: How to get ahead in advertising

Some plants go to extraordinary lengths to attract pollinators. A unique collaboration between plant scientists and physicists is revealing the full extent of botanical advertising.

How are pollinators faring with Anthropogenic change?

Pollinators provide irreplaceable ecosystem services. One out of every three bites of food are attributable to pollination. Pollinators bring us many of our favorite fruits and vegetables (see this list of crops that use ...

Bee pastures may help pollinators prosper

Beautiful wildflowers might someday be planted in "bee pastures," floral havens created as an efficient, practical, environmentally friendly, and economically sound way to produce successive generations of healthy young bees.

Researcher identifies 11 new sweat bee species

( -- When a scientist discovers a new species, one of hardest tasks is naming it. A Cornell researcher faced this challenge many times over when he discovered 11 new U.S. sweat bee species (subgenus Lasioglossum ...

Bumblebees dive in to fill a void

Native pollinators such as these fat, fuzzy bumblebees, once an overlooked sideshow in the insect world, are gaining widespread appreciation among everyone from backyard gardeners to big-time farmers. That's because European ...

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