Related topics: species · bees · flowering plants

Caffeine enhances bee memory

( —Caffeine is the naturally occurring drug most widely used by humans. In nature, though, it is reported to act as a bitter and toxic deterrent to herbivores, preventing leaves and seeds from being eaten.

Wildlife recording is good for people, as well as for science

Science is not the only beneficiary of nature-based "citizen science" projects—taking part also boosts the well-being of participants and their connection to nature, according to research published today (February 9) in ...

When industrious ants go too far

Nature is full of mutually beneficial arrangements between organisms—like the relationship between flowering plants and their bee pollinators. But sometimes these blissful relationships have a dark side, as Harvard biologist ...

Male flower parts responsible for potent grapevine perfume

University of British Columbia scientists have traced the fragrant scent of grapevine flowers to pollen grains stored in the anthers, contrary to common perception that petals alone produce perfume.

Nearly one in three US honeybees lost in winter 2012-13

( —U.S. beekeepers lost nearly one in every three honey bee colonies over the winter of 2012-2013, according to an annual survey conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership and the Apiary Inspectors of America.

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