Related topics: police

Study links low self-control, use of deadly force

Police officers who exhibit low self-control in their personal lives are more likely to use deadly force on the job, according to a University of Texas at Dallas study.

A tool to protect police dogs in drug raids from overdosing

Police dogs simply follow their noses to sniff out narcotics. But inhaling powerful opioids can be deadly, so officers have a new tool to protect their four-legged partners: naloxone, a drug that has already been used for ...

Serious games for police officers under stress

Stress has a negative impact on the wellbeing and performance of police officers, because it affects their judgements and decisiveness. Supported by an NWO grant of over 750.000 euros, Radboud researchers Karin Roelofs, Isabela ...

Ollie the bobcat gives US zoo the slip

A dash for freedom by an elusive feline from Washington's National Zoo triggered a three-day cat hunt in the nation's capital—and an online sensation—until the search was called off Wednesday, and Ollie the bobcat was ...

Metaphoring the police: It's all about the right choice of word

A well-chosen metaphor does wonders to explain concepts, to persuade and to ensure buy-in into any given matter. So says Paul Thibodeau of Oberlin College in the US, lead author of an article in Springer's journal Psychonomic ...

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