Related topics: police

NYPD seeks to engage with 'Twitter school,' blog

As city officials work to soften the New York Police Department's image and change how officers engage with citizens through reforms and training, part of the effort is happening online.

Public police are a greedy institution

The ongoing calls from communities to defund public police, that grew louder following the police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in 2020, have raised several crucial questions.

NYPD Goes Green

( -- New York City has a goal to reduce its overall carbon footprint. For Manhattan, the goal is to reduce greenhouse gases 30% by 2017. As part of this effort, the New York City Police Department just added 40 ...

Why big-data analysis of police activity is inherently biased

In early 2017, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a new initiative in the city's ongoing battle with violent crime. The most common solutions to this sort of problem involve hiring more police officers or working more closely ...

Predictive policing is tainted by 'dirty data,' study finds

A new study from New York University School of Law and NYU's AI Now Institute concludes that predictive policing systems run the risk of exacerbating discrimination in the criminal justice system if they rely on "dirty data."

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