Related topics: police

Preventing violent extremism requires new police programs

The U.S. strategy to prevent homegrown violent extremism through community policing holds promise, but faces significant challenges and needs reforms, according to a new report from the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland ...

Using data to help police departments police themselves

Mark Iris is arming police departments around the country with a novel crime-fighting tool—advanced data analyses and potentially life-saving intelligence derived by a group of Northwestern University undergraduates.

Swedes turn to social app to guard against crime

It's every parent's nightmare. You lose track of your 4-year-old at a playground, and the next thing you know, and you're running around, frantically asking people if they've seen your child.

The promise and perils of predictive policing based on big data

Police departments, like everyone else, would like to be more effective while spending less. Given the tremendous attention to big data in recent years, and the value it has provided in fields ranging from astronomy to medicine, ...

How big data helps first responders

Police officers and firefighters are leveraging big data to do their jobs more efficiently and more accurately.

US announces $19M in grants to expand use of body cameras

The Department of Justice awarded $19.3 million in grants Monday to dozens of police departments seeking to start using body cameras but turned down a greater number of applicants hoping for federal aid to deploy the technology.

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