Alarming projections for polar ice sheets

Drawing on international research, Professor Tim Naish from Victoria University of Wellington's Antarctic Research Centre took the second Pacific Climate Change Conference, co-hosted by Victoria and the Secretariat of the ...

Is global warming causing harsher winters?

Millions of people in northern Europe are still battling snow and ice, wondering why they are being punished with bitter cold when—officially—spring has arrived and Earth is in the grip of global warming.

Symmetry breaking during flapping generates lift

(—A small, translucent sea slug called Clione antarctica swims through the cold waters near the polar regions by flapping its wings. At the same time, tiny cilia that circle the sea slug's body in three bands may ...

NASA sees unavoidable sea level rise ahead (Update)

Sea levels are rising around the world, and the latest satellite data suggests that three feet (one meter) or more is unavoidable in the next 100-200 years, NASA scientists said Wednesday.

Arctic ice melt sets stage for cold weather

( -- The dramatic melt-off of Arctic sea ice due to climate change is hitting closer to home than millions of Americans might think. That's because melting Arctic sea ice can trigger a domino effect leading to increased ...

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