Related topics: climate change · sea ice · ice sheet

Geophysics could slow Antarctic ice retreat

The anticipated melting of the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet could be slowed by two big factors that are largely overlooked in current computer models, according to a new study.

Warming opens famed Northwest Passage to navigation

Beneath the Aurora Borealis an oil tanker glides through the night past the Coast Guard ice breaker Amundsen and vanishes into the maze of shoals and straits of the Northwest Passage, navigating waters that for millennia ...

Farming water on Mars

Mars is a different place than Earth. There is water on Mars, more than the Moon, but lots less than on our own world. But the water on Mars is the same H2O we have here, and we should use it when we travel to Mars and set ...

Sweeping over the south pole of Mars

An unusual observation by Mars Express shows a sweeping view over the planet's south polar ice cap and across its ancient, cratered highlands.

NASA sees unavoidable sea level rise ahead (Update)

Sea levels are rising around the world, and the latest satellite data suggests that three feet (one meter) or more is unavoidable in the next 100-200 years, NASA scientists said Wednesday.

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