Related topics: volcano

Improving plume forecasts using Fukushima data

Forecasting how plumes of particles, such as radioactive particles from a nuclear disaster, will be transported and dispersed in the atmosphere is an important but computationally challenging task. During the Fukushima nuclear ...

Icy Moons through Cassini's Eyes

( -- These raw, unprocessed images of Saturn's moons Enceladus, Janus and Dione were taken on March 27 and 28, 2012, by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Space Image: Enceladus, Saturn's moon

( -- Below a darkened Enceladus, a plume of water ice is backlit in this view of one of Saturn's most dramatic moons.

Cassini data shows Saturn moon may affect planet's magnetosphere

Scientists have been puzzled by periodic bursts of radiation, known as the Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR), that occur in the planet's magnetosphere. These emissions occur at a rate that is close to, but not quite the same ...

Volcanic destruction? Not always

For many, the story of Pompeii defines what happens when a volcano erupts: It destroys everything in its path and kills everyone who cannot escape.

Exploring water in the deep Earth

( -- Research published today in Nature Geoscience provides new insight into the water cycle of the deep Earth, volcanic activity in the Pacific and the potential catastrophic effects when these two combine.

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