Related topics: volcano

Ash plume from Shiveluch volcano

When NASA's Terra satellite passed over Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula at noon local time (00:00 Universal Time) on October 6, 2012, Shilveluch Volcano was quiet (top image). By the time NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the ...

Oceanic islands preferred thin crust

(—Debate over how and where oceanic island chains, like Hawaii, form, is at an end according to an academic from The Australian National University.

Smelling Grímsvotn: Signal of a volcanic eruption

(—While piloting a commercial transatlantic flight last year, Captain Klaus Sievers and his crew got a whiff of an unusual odour. In a confined space 10 km up in the air, there was only one thing it could be.

Turbulent forces within river plumes affect spread

When rivers drain into oceans through narrow mouths, hydraulic forces squeeze the river water into buoyant plumes that are clearly visible in satellite images. Worldwide, river plumes not only disperse freshwater, sediments, ...

Long-dormant New Zealand volcano erupts

A New Zealand volcano suddenly erupted after lying dormant for more than a century, spewing an ash plume that disrupted flights and closed highways, officials said Tuesday.

Traveling through the volcanic conduit

How much ash will be injected into the atmosphere during Earth's next volcanic eruption? Recent eruptions have demonstrated our continued vulnerability to ash dispersal, which can disrupt the aviation industry and cause billions ...

One week of ash from Mexico's volcano

( -- Satellites continue to provide a look at the ash and gas clouds being emitted from Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano. NASA has animated imagery from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite to provide a week long look at the volcano's ...

Ash cloud from Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano (w/ video)

( -- NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-13, captures visible and infrared images of weather over the eastern U.S. every 15 minutes, and spotted an ash and gas cloud streaming from Mexico's ...

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