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Survey shows why claws come out over feral cat management

The contentious phenomenon of identity politics isn't limited to Democrats and Republicans. A national survey shows that "cat people" and "bird people" have heated differences of opinion, complicating the challenge of managing ...

Small male fish use high aggression strategy

(—In the deserts of central Australia lives a tough little fish known as the desert goby, and a new study is shedding light on the aggressive mating behaviour of smaller nest-holding males.

Bioluminescence reveals deep-water motion in the Mediterranean

In 2009 and 2010, the underwater neutrino telescope ANTARES detected an unusual phenomenon: the bioluminescence of deep-sea organisms suddenly increased, revealing an unexpected connection between biological activity-bioluminescence-and ...

Snakes minus birds equals more spiders for Guam

In one of the first studies to examine how the loss of forest birds is effecting Guam's island ecosystem, biologists from Rice University, the University of Washington and the University of Guam found that the Pacific island's ...

Bat bridges don't work: study

Wire bridges built to guide bats safely across busy roads simply do not work, University of Leeds researchers have confirmed.

Contemporary evolution study published

Studies of threatened species typically focus on factors associated with extinction risk, but a recent study published in PLoS ONE reports a case of a contemporary evolution for a recently introduced population of a protected ...

Scientists find explanation for global advance of shrimp virus

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has a devastating impact on shrimp farming throughout the world. What makes the situation even more serious is that the virus seems to become more aggressive as the epidemic spreads, contrary ...

Selected hens give new genetic insights

Studies of heavy, fast-growing hens and small, slow-growing hens provide important new knowledge on the origin of the genetic variation that has enabled them to adapt rapidly to new extreme environments. This is shown by ...

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