Related topics: fuel cell

Clean diesel exhaust without platinum?

Researchers have designed a metal oxide catalyst for removing pollutants from diesel engine exhaust that could potentially replace costly platinum catalysts.

SSRL contributes to platinum-based catalyst design

( -- Researchers from two SLAC-Stanford joint institutes, the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES) and the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis, recently joined forces to investigate ...

New energy source for future medical implants: sugar

MIT engineers have developed a fuel cell that runs on the same sugar that powers human cells: glucose. This glucose fuel cell could be used to drive highly efficient brain implants of the future, which could help paralyzed ...

Fuel cells show potential

National Physical Laboratory scientists have developed an innovative fuel cell reference electrode that has been used to map changes in electrode potential inside a working polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell for ...

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