Related topics: fuel cell

Researchers improve performance of iron-based catalysts

Having pioneered the development of the first high-performance iron-based catalyst for fuel cells, researchers at INRS recently achieved a second major advance. They developed a new and improved iron-based catalyst capable ...

Large or small, platinum clusters provide new insights

Using Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory's high-performance supercomputing capabilities, scientists helped resolve longstanding controversies about the effect of platinum cluster size on some emissions-reducing reactions ...

A chance discovery may revolutionize hydrogen production

Producing hydrogen in a sustainable way is a challenge and production cost is too high. A team led by EPFL Professor Xile Hu has discovered that a molybdenum based catalyst is produced at room temperature, inexpensive and ...

Cheap catalyst made easy

Catalysts made of carbon nanotubes dipped in a polymer solution equal the energy output and otherwise outperform platinum catalysts in fuel cells, a team of Case Western Reserve University engineers has found.

Hard X-rays probe model fuel-cell catalyst

( -- Researchers at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource have developed a new, more powerful way to probe the behavior of a key component in hydrogen fuel cells. The group shone SSRL's high-energy X-rays ...

Novel fuel cell catalyst lowers need for precious metal

Fuel cells could create a breakthrough for electric cars, because refuelling them is fast and easy, just like your traditional gas guzzler. But there's an obstacle. Current fuel cells need platinum in order to work. And that's ...

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