High-speed 3-D printer for high-performance plastics

The additive manufacture of large-volume plastic components is a time-consuming undertaking. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU have now developed Screw Extrusion Additive ...

How hard-to-recycle plastic is being made as good as new

New recycling technologies currently being tested may allow plastics such as single-use food packaging, fibre-reinforced car parts and mattress foam—polymers which often wind up in landfills or are incinerated—to have ...

Ban on hotel toiletries is latest effort to curb plastic waste

Love those dainty little bottles of shampoo, conditioner and hand lotion in hotel bathrooms? Do you take them home, use them for guests or donate them to the local homeless shelter? You won't be able to for much longer—states, ...

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