New microneedle technique speeds plant disease detection

Researchers have developed a new technique that uses microneedle patches to collect DNA from plant tissues in one minute, rather than the hours needed for conventional techniques. DNA extraction is the first step in identifying ...

Plant stem cells require low oxygen levels

Plants function as the green lungs of our planet, and rightfully so, as the capacity of a large, single tree releases more than 120 kg of oxygen into the Earth's atmosphere every year through a series of sunlight-fuelled ...

Specialized plant cells regain stem-cell features to heal wounds

If plants are injured, cells adjacent to the wound fill the gaps with their daughter cells. However, which cells divide to do the healing and how they manage to produce cells that match the cell type of the missing tissue ...

Newly discovered regulation process explains plant development

Vascular tissue in plants distributes water and nutrients, thereby ensuring constant growth. Each new cell needs to develop into its respective cell type in the vascular tissue. A team at the Technical University of Munich ...

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