What can we do to preserve our cleaner air?

In the past weeks, there have been dozens of scientific papers and thousands of news articles that focus on the links between this pandemic and air pollution. Dramatic work lockdowns and decreases in travel and in industry ...

Trump administration eases Obama-era rules on coal pollution

The Trump administration accelerated the pace of its environmental rollbacks for the country's coal-fired power plants Monday, proposing to weaken two Obama-era rules aimed at cleaning up dangerous heavy metals and ash from ...

Concerns grow over tainted sewage sludge spread on croplands

For more than 20 years, the eastern Michigan town of Lapeer sent leftover sludge from its sewage treatment plant to area farms, supplying them with high-quality, free fertilizer while avoiding the expense of disposal elsewhere.

EPA hears worries about climate in heart of coal country

After more than four decades as a coal miner, Stanley Sturgill ambled into an ornate room at West Virginia's state capitol Tuesday to deliver a stark message to the Trump administration: Climate change is real and continuing ...

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