Cassini image: Water world

Although Enceladus and Saturn's rings are largely made up of water ice, they show very different characteristics. The small ring particles are too tiny to retain internal heat and have no way to get warm, so they are frozen ...

Moons in hiding

Prometheus and Pandora are almost hidden in Saturn's rings in this image.

Image: Methane painting in the Saturn system

Why does Saturn look like it's been painted with a dark brush in this infrared image, but Dione looks untouched? Perhaps an artist with very specific tastes in palettes?

Solar Impulse 2 needs 20mn euros to complete flight

The team behind the sun-powered Solar Impulse 2 plane on Tuesday said it needed an additional 20 million euros ($22 million) to complete a historic round-the-world flight, after battery damage grounded it for months.

Solar plane suspends journey in Hawaii after battery damage

A team trying to fly a solar-powered plane around the world said Wednesday it is suspending the journey in Hawaii after the plane suffered battery damage during its record-breaking flight to the islands.

Solar Impulse Japan take off postponed

A solar-powered plane on a mission to fly around the world was back in its mobile hangar Wednesday, after take off from Japan was postponed at the 11th hour because of bad weather over the Pacific Ocean.

Solar Impulse set to take off early Wednesday

A solar-powered plane that has been trapped in Japan for three weeks by the rainy season is set to take off for Hawaii early Wednesday, the team said.

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