NASA moves to begin historic new era of X-plane research

History is about to repeat itself. There have been periods of time during the past seven decades – some busier than others – when the nation's best minds in aviation designed, built and flew a series of experimental airplanes ...

Solar-plane pilots say trip was also test of human endurance

The two Swiss pilots taking turns to fly a solar-powered airplane around the world said Sunday the endeavor is not only a demonstration of the importance of renewable energy but also of the many challenges the human body ...

Solar plane pilot hopes to link to Silicon Valley's spirit

The pilot of a solar-powered airplane on an around-the-world journey said Saturday that stopping in California's Silicon Valley will help link the daring project to the pioneering spirit of the area.

Image: Saturn askew

As a convention for public release, Cassini images of Saturn are generally oriented so that Saturn appears north up, but the spacecraft views the planet and its expansive rings from all sorts of angles. Here, a half-lit Saturn ...

Malaysia says possible MH370 debris found in South Africa

A South African archaeologist has found a piece of debris with part of an aircraft engine manufacturer's logo and Malaysia's transport minister said Tuesday that authorities will examine it to see if it is from the missing ...

Airlines slow to adopt safety technologies after MH370

Airline-safety standards are changing in the wake of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 nearly two years ago, but the head of one of the world's top air crash investigation agencies says it's not happening ...

Image: Saturn's rings dividing Dione

Dione appears cut in two by Saturn's razor-thin rings, seen nearly edge-on in a view from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. This scene was captured from just 0.02 degrees above the ring plane.

Image: Tethys dwarfed by Saturn

It is easy to forget just how large Saturn is, at around 10 times the diameter of Earth. And with a diameter of about 72,400 miles (116,500 kilometers), the planet simply dwarfs its retinue of moons. One of those satellites, ...

Image: Enceladus and Saturn's rings

Although Enceladus and Saturn's rings are largely made up of water ice, they show very different characteristics. The small ring particles are too tiny to retain internal heat and have no way to get warm, so they are frozen ...

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