35 years since Challenger launch disaster: 'Never forgotten'

NASA leaders, retired launch directors, families of fallen astronauts and space fans marked the 35th anniversary of the Challenger disaster on Thursday, vowing never to forget the seven who died during liftoff.

Measurements of pulsar acceleration reveal Milky Way's dark side

It is well known that the expansion of the universe is accelerating due to a mysterious dark energy. Within galaxies, stars also experience an acceleration, though this is due to some combination of dark matter and the stellar ...

A three-dimensional view of the Milky Way

In our Milky Way, there are about 200 billion suns as well as large quantities of gas, some of which serves as raw material for star births. The gas collects in compact lumps but also appears as extended molecular clouds. ...

Kilonovae: Ambushing the standard candle in its own nest

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most luminous and explosive transient phenomena in the universe after the Big Bang. A powerful tool for characterizing and classifying GRBs to allow them to be used as tracers of the expansion ...

New eclipsing binary system detected by Kepler spacecraft

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new eclipsing binary system using NASA's Kepler spacecraft during its prolonged mission known as K2. The system, designated EPIC 216747137, appears to be a post-common-envelope ...

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