The magnetic field in the galactic outflow of M82

Messier 82 (M82) is a luminous infrared galaxy about twelve million light-years away from the Milky Way. Its burst of star formation powers the radiation and drives a bipolar superwind that originates near the core of the ...

ASKAP takes a first glimpse at the galactic plane

With the findings detailed in two Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society papers, a group of astronomers, led by the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and Macquarie University, reported the first ...

Study inspects chemical composition of NGC 6544

An international team of astronomers has conducted a chemical study of 23 stars in the globular cluster NGC 6544 as part of the APOGEE survey. The research, published April 12 on the arXiv pre-print server, delivers essential ...

New binocular Nova Cas 2021 flares in Cassiopeia

It began, as all modern astronomical alerts seem to, with one tweet, then two. Early on the morning of Friday, March 19, we started seeing word that a nova was spotted in the constellation of Cassiopeia the Queen, near its ...

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