Device may detect urinary tract infections faster

Urinary tract infections can quickly move from being a merely miserable experience to a life-threatening condition. Untreated cases may trigger sepsis, which occurs when the immune system, in an attempt to fight off the infection, ...

Production of 500 daily litres of bioethanol from food waste

From waste generated in the processing of cereals, scientists from the Center for Research and Assistance in Technology and Design of the State of Jalisco (CIATEJ) have produced bioenergy in the form of ethanol, and designed ...

Philippines gives green-light to electric tricycles

The Philippines is to roll out 100,000 electric tricycles in an effort to replace the petrol-powered ones that currently ply its cities, one of the project's financiers said Tuesday.

Automation in the air dulls pilot skill

(AP) -- Safety and industry officials worry that there will be more deadly airline accidents traced to pilots who have lost their hands-on instincts as planes become ever more reliant on automation to navigate crowded skies.

Fish can help in the search for multiple sclerosis drugs

The zebrafish should be known to many aquarium enthusiasts, mainly because of its striking pigmentation. However, the characteristic black-blue stripes, to which the animal owes its name, only form over time. Its eyelash-sized ...

Paving the way for the production of high-performance solar cells

Doris Leuthard, a member of the Swiss Federal Council, opened a pilot plant for the production of high efficiency heterojunction (HJT) solar cells at Meyer Burger Research AG in Hauterive, Neuchâtel today. The Swiss solar ...

Greek pilots see red from laser pen pranks

Greece's civil aviation pilots on Wednesday called for a crackdown on laser pen pranksters who have endangered a growing number of plane landings around the country.

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