Online course host Coursera to ID students using typing style

Online course host Coursera will verify the identities of participating students using web cams and technology that can fingerprint an individual's unique typing style under a pilot project announced this week that aims to ...

21 whales die, 11 saved in Australian beaching

Twenty-one long-finned pilot whales have died but 11 were saved after beaching themselves at Bruny Island, south of the Tasmanian state capital Hobart, conservation officials said on Friday.

24 pilot whales die in New Zealand stranding

(AP) -- New Zealand conservation officials on Friday euthanized 10 pilot whales, the only survivors of a 24-strong pod that became stranded in a mangrove swamp.

Fate of stranded Florida whales unclear

The fate of some 40 stranded whales off Florida was unclear Friday, with officials saying they had lost track of two dozen but were hopeful these had swum to safety.

Researchers find heavy metals along river after mine spill

Researchers say they found scattered accumulations of heavy metals along a 60-mile stretch of riverbank in Colorado and New Mexico a month after the Gold King Mine wastewater spill and say that any potential threat to crops ...

Fake poop helps evicted owls settle into new neighborhood

Settling into a new home can be tough for anyone. So scientists have come up with some tricks to make transplanted burrowing owls feel like they are not alone in their new digs, playing owl sounds and scattering fake poop.

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