Pilot whale study reveals copycat calls to outsmart predators

New Curtin University research has found southern Australian long-finned pilot whales are able to mimic the calls of its natural predator and food rival—the killer whale, as a possible ploy to outsmart it.

NASA pilots train for Antarctic flying

Pilots and flight engineers with NASA's Operation IceBridge traveled to Jacksonville, Fla., to prepare for the mission's recently concluded Antarctic campaign. There the flight crews spent time training in a P-3 aircraft ...

Airlines get new tools to avoid turbulence

Airlines are using new software that transmits weather data from planes in the air to analysts on the ground, allowing pilots to avoid turbulence that can injure passengers and damage planes.

100 pilot whales dead after New Zealand stranding

More than 100 pilot whales that stranded on a New Zealand beach have died, conservation officials said on Saturday, voicing grave fears for more than 90 others from the pod.

JPMorgan Chase unveils cryptocurrency prototype

JPMorgan Chase on Thursday unveiled a prototype for a digital coin system using blockchain, a first among major banks as disruption accelerates change in financial services.

Studying marine biodiversity from pole to pole

Many scientists around the world are studying marine biodiversity—the variety of life forms in the ocean. But there is no common standard for how to conduct this research or to compile the data from different studies in ...

How bringing back lost species revives ecosystems

Scientists often study the grim impacts of losing wildlife to hunting, habitat destruction and climate change. But what happens when endangered animals are brought back from the brink?

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