Shedding light on nature's nanoscale control of solar energy

Nature's process for storing solar energy occurs in light-absorbing protein complexes called photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs). Across billions of years of evolution, Nature has retained a common light-absorbing hexameric ...

Photovoltaic invention brings inventor acclaim

( -- An invention by a South Dakota State University engineer could improve alternative energy technologies by making it easier for scientists to test new devices.

Future solar panels

Conventional photovoltaic technology uses large, heavy, opaque, dark silicon panels, but this could soon change. The IK4-Ikerlan research centre is working with the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country within the X10D ...

High-energy project in high desert

The sprawling solar installations gobbling up California's deserts have a new competitor, one that claims to generate more energy at lower costs while using less open space. Known as concentrator photovoltaics, or CPV, the ...

Reduce energy consumption by 30 percent through ICT

According to a European research project, cities may be able to reduce their energy consumption by 30 % by leveraging information and communication technologies (ICTs). This breakthrough was made by the ENERSIP project, which ...

Stained glass solar windows for the Swiss Tech Convention Center

As a World's first, no less than 300m2 of dye sensitized solar cells will be integrated to the facade of the EPFL's Convention Center. This prototype will constitute the first application of such technology to a public building. ...

Proposed solar array offers a bright energy future

Here comes the sun: Cornell hopes to expand its renewable energy portfolio as it benefits from the NY-Sun Initiative, a series of large-scale, solar energy projects expected to add about 67 megawatts of solar electricity ...

Solar industry faces head winds but remains hopeful

Solar-industry executives paint a bright future for their industry, one where photovoltaic panels adorn roofs of homes and businesses and huge power plants capture the sun's rays to generate electricity. But the industry ...

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