Light-emitting silicon for photonic computing

If computers transmitted data using photons instead of electrons, they would perform better and use less power. European researchers are now studying a new light-emitting alloy of silicon and germanium to obtain photonic ...

Boosting light-based computing

University of Twente spinoff company QuiX is currently developing a photonic chip using the quantum properties of light for carrying out complex calculations. The new chip, of which a first version is already operational, ...

Experts develop nanolasers on silicon

Researchers at Cardiff University have shown tiny light-emitting nanolasers less than a tenth of the size of the width of a human hair can be integrated into silicon chip design.

Nanocomponent is a quantum leap for Danish physicists

University of Copenhagen researchers have developed a nanocomponent that emits light particles carrying quantum information. Less than one-tenth the width of a human hair, the miniscule component makes it possible to scale ...

Light connects two worlds on a single chip

For the first time, researchers of the University of Twente succeeded in connecting two parts of an electronics chip using an on-chip optical link. A light connection could be a safe way of connecting a high-power component ...

Fail-safe, reconfigurable chips

Researchers at the Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications Institute (iTEAM) of Valencia's Polytechnic University (UPV) have taken a step toward creating an infallible chip. They have developed an advanced method for ...

Particle detectors meet canvas

Artworks are part of our cultural and historical heritage. Yet, according to the Fine Arts Expert Institute, nearly half of the artworks circulating on the market are fakes. So how can you tell if a Rembrandt painting is ...

Research team develops record laser on chip

Working in collaboration with the Lionix company, researchers from the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute have developed the world's most narrowband diode laser on a chip. This laser represents a breakthrough ...

Quantum photonic researchers start new company, Sparrow Quantum

There is incredible potential in quantum technology for unbreakable communication and new superfast computers and with a new technological invention quantum technology is storming ahead. Researchers in the research group ...

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