Related topics: bacteria · nutrients

The oldest mineralized sponges in the world found in Ciudad Real

An international and multidisciplinary piece of research involving the participation of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) concludes with the discovery of the mineralised fossil remains of the oldest sponges in the world—530 ...

Cancer-promoting Ras protein exists in a pair within cells

Researchers from Bochum and Osnabrück have gained new insights into the structure of the Ras protein, which acts as a molecular switch for cell growth and is involved in the development of cancer. With the help of fluorescence ...

Shining a light on the weird world of dihydrogen phosphate anions

Scientists at UNSW Sydney, together with collaborators from Western Sydney University and The Netherlands, were surprised to find that dihydrogen phosphate anions—vital inorganic ions for cellular activity—bind with other ...

Mathematical model reveals behavior of cellular enzymes

Everything a cell does, from dividing in two to migrating to a different part of the body, is controlled by enzymes that chemically modify other proteins in the cell. Researchers at Princeton University have devised a new ...

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