Information carrying could be improved through hopfions

The knot theory originates in Lord Kevin's model proposed in 1867 that atoms are made of vortex rings or knots. Although the hypothesis was proved incorrect, the knot theory has since then proliferated in both mathematics ...

A cleaner, better way to produce single-photon emitters

RIKEN researchers have created an effective source of single photons for emerging quantum technologies by adding molecules to carbon nanotubes using a reaction that occurs in the vapor phase.

How researchers solved a decades-old mystery regarding cell volume

A psychedelic movie of stressed cells under a microscope sent a team of kidney physiologists and biologists from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University on a journey to solve a mystery: How do cells control ...

Speeding up DNA computation with liquid droplets

Recent studies have shown that liquid-liquid phase separation—akin to how oil droplets form in water—leads to formation of diverse types of membraneless organelles, such as stress granules and nucleoli, in living cells. ...

New tool allows scientists to peer inside neutron stars

Imagine taking a star twice the mass of the sun and crushing it to the size of Manhattan. The result would be a neutron star—one of the densest objects found anywhere in the universe, exceeding the density of any material ...

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