Anonymous leaks personal data hacked from UN climate site

The United Nations confirmed Thursday reports that activist group Anonymous leaked personal data from some 1,400 people using its climate website, as the world gathered in Paris to craft a climate rescue pact.

South Korea considers opt out for child monitoring app

South Korea is deciding whether it will allow parents to opt out of installing a monitoring app on their children's smartphones following criticism the system encourages a surveillance culture and has security flaws.

CIA chief 'outraged' by personal email hack

CIA chief John Brennan said Tuesday he was "outraged" that hackers broke into his personal email account, and faulted the media for its coverage of the incident.

Senator calls for Experian to share details on data breach

The top Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee is calling for the credit agency Experian to disclose more details about a data breach in which personal information on millions of T-Mobile customers was stolen.

Kaspersky boss warns of emerging cybercrime threats

Russian online security specialist Eugene Kaspersky says cybercriminals will one day go for bigger targets than PCs and mobiles, sabotaging entire transport networks, electrical grids or financial systems.

Major cyberattack targets UCLA hospital system

A months-long cyberattack on the University of California, Los Angeles hospital system put at risk the personal information for up to 4.5 million people, officials said Friday.

Top US official quits after massive government hack

The director of the US Office of Personnel Management resigned Friday after a devastating hack of government databases that saw the personal information of millions of federal workers and contractors stolen.

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