Personnel office not the worst in terms of lax cybersecurity

The federal government has for years failed to take basic steps to protect its data from hackers and thieves, putting at risk everything from nuclear secrets to the private tax information of hundreds of millions of Americans, ...

House passes bill designed to thwart cyberattacks

The House on Wednesday passed long-awaited legislation designed to thwart cyberattacks by encouraging private companies to share information about the attackers' methods with each other and the government.

Whistleblowers may bypass the media thanks to new data laws

The Australian Government made some concession towards journalists when the new data retention legislation was passed by both Houses of parliament last month. But that doesn't mean a journalist's metadata is protected from ...

Don't want NSA to spy on your email? 5 things you can do

More than half of Americans are worried about the U.S. government's digital spies prying into their emails, texts, search requests and other online information, but few are trying to thwart the surveillance.

We need to take responsibility for our own safety online

Going online without understanding the basics of how the internet works is like getting behind the wheel without knowing the road rules: you might still get where you're going, but you could be a danger to yourself and those ...

Giant US health-data breach could lead to China

Data on as many as 80 million customers at US health insurance giant Anthem was stolen by hackers, officials confirmed Thursday, in a cyberattack investigators have reportedly linked to China.

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