Why you should think twice before buying that new TV set

Planning to buy a new TV set as a Christmas family gift? Your decision would probably be based on a series of technical characteristics, such as size or screen resolution. Yet at some point you might ask yourself: can I really ...

Study reveals how age affects perception of white LED light

Although LEDs are increasingly used in low-energy lighting and displays, consumers sometimes find their light harsh or unpleasant. Findings from a new study point to the need to take age-related perception differences into ...

Daylight levels affect our thermal perception

A pioneering study carried out at EPFL shows that the amount of daylight in a room can influence our thermal comfort and how well we tolerate heat or cold. The findings could be used to improve existing building standards ...

'Groupthink' is not a valid argument against climate science

When the Australian federal environment minister, Sussan Ley, went snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef in August, she told waiting reporters on the shore that she'd seen "amazing wildlife, fish, turtles, clams … a reef ...

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