Molecules that promote plant-to-plant communications below ground

Plants have evolved elaborate mechanisms for detecting neighboring plants, which typically involve the perception of "cues'" inadvertently produced by their neighbors. Strigolactones are hormonal signaling molecules that ...

Individual cells are smarter than thought

Humans make decisions based on various sensory information, which is integrated into a holistic percept by the brain. But how do single cells make decisions? Much more autonomously than previously thought, as researchers ...

Photonic synapses with low power consumption and high sensitivity

Neuromorphic photonics/electronics is the future of ultralow energy intelligent computing and artificial intelligence (AI). In recent years, inspired by the human brain, artificial neuromorphic devices have attracted extensive ...

Exploring how diverse social networks reduce accent judgments

Everyone has an accent. But the intelligibility of speech doesn't just depend on that accent; it also depends on the listener. Visual cues and the diversity of the listener's social network can impact their ability to understand ...

How variability shapes learning and generalization

Variability is crucially important for learning new skills. Consider learning how to serve in tennis. Should you always practice serving from the exact same location on the court, aiming at exactly the same spot? Although ...

Examining paleolithic tools and visual perception

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) have analyzed the influence of the shape of Paleolithic tools on visual attention during handling in a study led by María Silva Gago ...

Correcting COVID-19 misinformation

There has been serious discussion about COVID-19 misinfomation. That misinformation has most likely cost many people their lives, driven by messages from those with a hidden agenda to drive everyday people away from science-based ...

Exploring the origins of molecular paleontology

If "Jurassic Park" fueled your interest in dinosaurs, genetics, and all things ancient, you aren't alone. There's an entire field dedicated to looking for ancient DNA—molecular paleontology—that predates Michael Crichton's ...

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