Related topics: cells · cancer

Understanding how sunscreens damage coral

You can love something to death. That is one way of thinking about a new Stanford University study that reveals how a common component of many sunscreens worn by coral reef-exploring tourists may hasten the demise of these ...

From cell fat to cell fate

How does a cell "decide" what type of cell to become? The question of "cell fate" has been explored for decades now, especially in the context of stem cell biology, but there are still gaps in our understanding. For example, ...

Light-powered microbes are super-producing chemical factories

Sharing is key to living in society, whether it's toddlers sharing toys or nations sharing natural resources; but there's no avoiding the fact that one side getting more means that the other side gets less. Now, researchers ...

Cell biology: How mitochondria report stress

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers have discovered the mechanism by which the protein DELE1 detects organelle stress. This offers a possible new approach for treating neurodegenerative diseases.

New function for glucose metabolism enzyme

The function of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase 1 differs depending on its location within the cell, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Molecular Cell.

New and improved cherry flavor courtesy of the petunia flower

That cherry flavor you enjoy in candy and soda is likely a combination of aromatic and flavor compounds discovered through the study of plants in laboratories far from cherry trees. It and the sweet scent of your almond extract ...

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