Related topics: bacteria · bacterium · antibiotics

Spinning up antibacterial silver on glass

The antibacterial effects of silver are well established. Now, researchers at Yonsei University in Seoul, Republic of Korea, have developed a technique to coat glass with a layer of silver ions that can prevent growth of ...

What are the risks when hens lay their eggs on the floor?

Hens usually prefer to lay their eggs in nests but it is not unusual for some eggs to be laid on the floor of the hen house or on the ground and in some cases the incidence of floor eggs can be quite high. A new study aims ...

You are not what you eat

The types of gut bacteria that populate the guts of primates depend on the species of the host as well as where the host lives and what they eat. A study led by Howard Ochman at Yale University examines the gut microbial ...

Bacteria under stress can live without cell wall

Thread-like bacteria make cells that no longer have a cell wall under the influence of osmotic stress. A remarkable discovery, since the cell wall serves as a protection barrier for bacteria. It could also help to explain ...

Antimicrobials: Silver (and copper) bullets to kill bacteria

Dana Filoti of the University of New Hampshire will present thin films of silver and copper she has developed that can kill bacteria and may one day help to cut down on hospital infections. The antimicrobial properties of ...

Scientists pave way for new generation of superbug drugs

Scientists at the University of East Anglia are getting closer to solving the problem of antibiotic resistance. New research published today in the journal Nature reveals the mechanism by which drug-resistant bacterial cells ...

Portable 'paper machine' can diagnose disease for less than $2

In the U.S. and other industrialized nations, testing for infectious diseases and cancer often requires expensive equipment and highly trained specialists. In countries where resources are limited, performing the same diagnostics ...

A new weapon in the fight against superbugs

The ever-increasing threat from "superbugs"—strains of pathogenic bacteria that are impervious to the antibiotics that subdued their predecessor generations—has forced the medical community to look for bactericidal weapons ...

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