CO2-free mobility: (how) is that possible?

Right now, everyone is talking about mobility, how it ought to be CO2 -neutral and clean. Yet how do we get there? Banning combustion engines, changing how we usually get around or gradually shifting towards electric vehicles ...

Silver circuits on foil allow curved touchscreens

Microscopically fine conductor paths are required on the surfaces of smartphone touchscreens. At the edges of the appliances, these microscopic circuit paths come together to form larger connective pads. Until now, these ...

Astronomer helping NASA spacecraft explore beyond Pluto

The computer found it first – Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU69  – but University of Virginia astronomer Anne Verbiscer was the "human backup" who found it next. She confirmed the finding for NASA by using the same technique ...

Commuting by bicycle: Why the Irish aren't like the Dutch—yet

Cities around the world are pouring money into beautiful bicycle paths in hopes of convincing citizens to drive less and bike more. According to a new study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, however, getting people ...

A robot dives into search for Malaysian Airlines flight

In the hunt for signs of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370—which disappeared on March 8 after deviating for unknown reasons from its scheduled flight path—all eyes today turn to a company that got its start at MIT.

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